Sunday, October 19, 2008

A Break for Fall...

I think Fall Break is a wonderful idea. How did I go all the way until my senior year of high school without knowing about this concept? It is certainly a welcome rest in the midst of quite a crazy semester.

And what better place to spend a Fall Break than in the Great Smoky Mountains? My family along with Josh Crute and his family have rented a cabin in Wears Valley, TN (which is just outside of Townsend, TN, which is just outside of Pigeon Forge, TN), and boy, does it have a view! The valley just opens up beneath our cabin, which has an entire wall of windows looking that direction. The sunsets are spectacular.

Josh and I drove up here on Friday to meet my parents (who have been here since Monday). My grandparents were here too, briefly. They left Saturday morning, and Josh's parents drove up Saturday afternoon along with his brother Jeremy, who is a freshman at Covenant College.

Saturday we did a couple short hikes and ate dinner at the Bear Camp Grille here in Wears Valley. Ole' Smoky Burger = delicious.

This morning my dad made his famous scrambled eggs with ham, and then he and I along with Mr. Crute and Josh and Jeremy headed out to tackled the 8 mile round-trip hike to Charlie's Bunion. (An odd name for a outcropping of rocks with a fantastic view).

Tomorrow, we'll be getting up early to do the drive around Cades Cove and see all the wildlife...deer, turkies, maybe even bear! Then we'll head into Pigeon Forge, do the whole "tourist thing" and ride go-karts, and then have dinner at the Apple Barn. This place is amazing! I've only eaten there twice, (high school senior trip and freshman fall break), but oh my goodness...I can already taste the apple fritters with fresh apple butter. MMM. That will be the highlight of the trip, but really, since when is the food not the highlight of my trips? :-)

We'll be headed back to Samford on Tuesday, which will be nice. Not getting back to classes, of course, but getting back to friends, etc. Also, I'll be co-leading the Sr. High guys Bible study at Faith PCA with the Faith college minister, Martin Wagner, and that will start on Wednesday night. I'm really excited about that. It'll be a great oppotunity. I'm loving Faith more and more each time I go. I have plenty of reasons why, but that's for another day's blog post about the Church... :-)

Well, time to go. The sun is setting behind Wears Valley, and dinner is being served. As you know, this blog will always play second-fiddle to supper.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Bird o' Prey...

Just had to share this photo I took today while walking back from the Caf. This is Samford's resident bird o' prey...a hawk perhaps? Any bird experts out there? But he's been seen more and more regularly around campus. Looks like this evening he just decided to chill by the fountain, although I was a little nervous getting this close to take his picture. He doesn't look very friendly...

Friday, October 3, 2008

God will still be God...

I'm not gonna lie...I'm getting worried. We are a month out from our nation's Presidential Election, and things are looking grim, at least from my point of view. I'm supporting John McCain and Sarah Palin, but my point in this post is not to push a particular political ideology or candidate. I have many brothers and sisters in Christ who disagree with me on politics, but we share a deep concern for the direction of our country. Whoever you think should be our next President, just substitue names as you see fit, and I would hope my message should ring true for you as well.

It seems like each time I look at the polls, the sick feeling in the pit of my stomach grows all the stronger. Surely he can't possibly be ahead! Do the American people not know what this man stands for? Do they not understand the irreversible implications that many of his policies would have? My mind has already started shifting into "how do we survive the next four years with the foundations of our country still intact?" I remind myself, "we survived eight years of Bill Clinton." But then I think, "this man is so much more dangerous than Bill Clinton. Combined with a heavily Democratic Congress, our country could start heading down a path under this man's leadership that would very hard, if not impossible, to reverse." I just don't know that we can afford a Barack Obama presidency.

But as my concern and depression grows in anticipation of November 4th, I'm reminded of one simple fact: Whoever occupies the Oval Office, God will still be God. Well...yes, of course. I knew that. But am I living that out? I know that, but I do I believe it?

I am very proud to be an American. I prize my citizenship in the USA above many things in this world, and I cherish the liberty that was bought for us with the blood and courage of our forefathers. But is it only in the United States that my citizenship lies? Is it a problem to find my fortress and strength in the most powerful nation on the planet? Countries and nations pass away, even world powers. Is America on the downslope? I don't know. I see that as a possibility. But, aside from morbid predictions, what happens when the the country I place my citizenship in fails? Where am I?

This is why we, as Christians, find our true citizenship in the Kingdom of Heaven. Sure, as we walk this earth during these brief and fleeting moments, we consider ourselves U.S. citizens, but what about eternity?

So what are we to do? What do we do when leaders are elected that do irreparable damage to our nation? What do we do when we see the rise of powers in our nation that do not respect the Lord Almighty? Do we worry and fret? Do we wring our hands? Do we march in passionate protests or spew hateful speech?

God will still be God. No matter which mortal man occupies the Oval Office, the Supreme and Sovereign Creator of the Universe is still in His heaven. His work will continue to be accomplished. Souls will continue to be saved. His people will continue to gather together and worship. His Name will still be glorified.

Some forsee and worry about persecution of the Church in the future, even within our own borders. While this certainly remains possible, I do think it will be quite a while (if ever) before any kind of serious persecution (the likes of which occurs around the world even now) happens to American Christians. But what about now and in the immediate future? How the Church deal with the increasing antagonism towards Christ in our country?

The Church will still be the Church. Just as God will always be God, His Church will always be His Church. Though there will be trials and opposition, the Church will continue her work in anticipation of that glorious day when she is finally united with Christ in that great wedding feast, the fulfillment of the ages. The Church may not always have her shining steeples and freedom to speak publicly, but the Church will always be the Church. I love the narrative in the Bill Gaither Trio's "Church Triumphant" song...

"God Has Always Had A People! Many a foolish conquer made the mistake of
thinking that because he had forced the Church of Jesus Christ out of sight,
that he had stilled its voice and snuffed out its life. But God Has Always
Had A People! The powerful current of a rushing river is not diminished because
it is forced to flow underground. The purest water is the stream that bursts
crystal clear into the sunlight after it has fought its way through solid rock.
There have been charlatans who like Simon the magician, sought to barter on the
open market that power which cannot be bought or sold. But God Has Always
Had A People! Men who could not be bought and women who were beyond
purchase. Yes, God Has Always Had A People! There have been times of
affluence and prosperity when the Church's message was nearly diluted into
oblivion by those who sought to make it socially attractive, neatly organized
and financially profitable. It has been gold plated ,draped in purple and
encrusted with jewels. It has been misrepresented, ridiculed, blotted and
scorned. These followers of Jesus Christ have been according to the whim of
the times elevated as sacred leaders and martyred as heretics. Yet through it
all, there marches on that powerful army of the meek, God's chosen people that
can't be bought, flattered, murdered or stilled. On through the ages they
march. The Church, God's Church Triumphant, is Alive and Well!"

How true! Now okay, you're saying, "aren't you being a little melodramatic?" I'm not insinuating that Barack Obama's going to bring about the end of the world. I don't know for a fact that he would do irreparable damage. God has His plans, and I have no idea. I do respect Barack Obama, although I disagree with him. But this post, again, really isn't in response to the idea of an Obama presidency. We cannot put our faith in government. We cannot remove ourselves from government, but cannot put our faith in it. Government's fail, nation's crumble. It's so easy to get wrapped up in anxiety and worry about the future.

But we have a hope. We have an eternal hope of what awaits us after this life, but even in this life we have a hope. No matter what happens in our government, no matter where our nation goes, we know that God will still be God, and His Church will still be the Church.

I don't know about you, but I find that very encouraging. With that knowledge, I can look ahead to November 4th, not with fear, but with hope.