Friday, September 12, 2008

My life just got a little simpler...

Stephen Moss for Junior Class President?

After a hard-fought campaign, my reelection bid for class president has fallen short. However, unlike another time I lost reelection to a student government office back in high school (we shan't dredge that one up again), I'm actually okay with this. Oh, of course I wanted to be class president again. I mean, I wouldn't have run otherwise. But I won't say my competitive nature didn't have anything to do with it. :-)

In fact, this may have been God's way of letting me know I'm doing too much. What with being the Samford Ministries Choir Tour Officer, RUF leadership team, oh yeah, and classes too, I have more than enough to keep me occupied. And now, wonder of wonders, I actually have a night off during the week! Now the question is if I'll actually make good use of that night off...jury's still out on that one.

Tonight, the group o' friends is over here at James for our weekly dinner-in. Still not quite the same as it was over in Ramsay, but that's not really what's important. I have really enjoyed this semester so far. It's funny; I've only known these people for two years, but it seems like so much longer. I have been so blessed with so many wonderful friends here at Samford, and I am enjoying spending time with them this year. I have so much to be thankful for.

Tomorrow, Lee, Josh, Bryan, and I are off to Oxford, MS to watch Samford take on Ole Miss. A blow-out, you say? Possibly...but hey, we'll still have fun. And then Sunday morning I'll be headed back to Faith PCA. I've tried both Faith and Altadena Valley PCA now after making the decision to find another church besides Briarwood, and I really think Faith is where I want to wind up. It's just a little smaller than Briarwood (okay, a lot smaller), and I like the idea of being able to get a little closer involved with a church family. Being from a smaller church back in Panama City, I just feel much more at home in a smaller church. I do still love Briarwood though... :-)

Overall, I think it will be quite a nice weekend. It's been a good one already! :-)

-- Stephen

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