Tuesday, September 9, 2008

A New Blog

Well, this has been quite a waste of time...

I decided earlier this evening that it was about time for me to start "blogging" again (as if my previous Xanga experiences constitute serious blogging). I greatly enjoy writing, and my time spent on the computer used to at least be spent doing something semi-useful like writing about my life, being creative, etc. Nowadays, my time spent on the computer is consumed by the likes of Facebook, which squelches personal expression and (with the exception of the useless Notes application) limits its participants to mindless games and fake interaction. I don't mean to hate on facebook. It really can be a good thing, and it's much better than MySpace. (I still feel like I need to take a shower after I log on to MySpace...it's just...sketchy?) However, with this much-ballyhooed yet much-maligned "new facebook" that's being forced upon us, I'm feeling especially cynical towards this social networking site on steroids.

So that brings me to tonight, as I decide to pick up the habit of blog writing once again. How should I go about this though? I first got this Blogger account. But what to do with it? For those of us without much web design knowledge, we're pretty much restrained to the pre-packaged themes. And a title? You want me to come up with a title? Something original, I suppose...times like this, it would be nice to be an English major. (What am I saying?)

So then I return to the old stomping grounds...Xanga. It was like returning home from college and finding your parents had turned your old room into an office. I didn't even recognize it, let alone could I figure how to use the blasted thing. I couldn't get any of the themes to work or look right (it used to be so easy!), and then there are basically 20,000 new gizmos and doo-dads that made me feel ancient and old-fashioned already at a mere 20 years of age.

And so I am back to Blogger. At least it's simple? ish? However, I am still frustrated. My entire evening has been consumed trying to figure out something that used to be so simple. So this blog will not be all flashy and exciting. It will simply be a means to express my thoughts and maybe post the occasional picture. I'm actually pretty excited. I haven't done this in a while. It's a nice habit to get into. I find writing, especially about what's going on in my life, to be therapeutic in a sense. Many times, I'll start writing about a problem. and by the end, I will have it all worked out. (For many of you, this will explain why my emails are often the length of short novels).

Is this blog intended for other people to read? Eh? Sure? Why not...hey, if you care enough to read this thing, more power to you! But this is mainly for me. Some good therapeutic blogging... :-) Also, as the title I finally decided upon suggests, this will be a way for me to document the providence that God shows in my life, even just on a day-to-day basis. I will not even begin to try to compete with Anna B's blog, though...that is art. :-)

Well, that is about it for now. I have spent far too much time on this already tonight.



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